Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Last Week before School Shenanigans

    Me: You need to pick up your room so I can vacuum in there.
    W: How do we pick up our room. Its attached to the house. 
I can hear noises of large toys being lifted and moved only to find this...

I am not sure what this game is called, but "Pile the toys on big brother" is a contender. Good news is there are fewer toys to pick up in their room. 

W then proceeded to write all over his brother's legs. For the record A did not protest. 

Hey wait a minute that looks good. I wonder...
 W: Take a picture of my face. 

W: Hey! That looks good, I am gonna do some more. 

Now they are making Lego ziplines all through the house. 
Next, Lunch and the Library and the Creek. 

1 comment:

Linda S. said...

Wonderful, in an "OMG-That's-Adorable-And-I'm-So-Glad-I'm-Not-The-Adult-Trying-To-Channel-The-Adorableness" way.
I believe it is possible that we must credit (blame?) YOUR genetic contribution for such....such...ummm...creativity? I don't recall that their Practically-Perfect mother was ever so inventive. At least, not when adults were present.