Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Last Week of Summer Break Shenanigans II

After lunch we went to the area at Minnehaha Park downstream of the falls known as the deer pen. The kids love playing there. This is the best summer play spot in the Twin Cities. 
Adrian is in the blue swim shirt and Walter is in the white. 

 In the previous two pictures they were doing what they love most. Building a dam with the river stones to divert the water. On our previous visit we completed a gap in a dam that went clear across this half of the creek. (As I am typing this I am having to change damn to dam. I guess I haven't typed the word dam much.)

Then the cousins show up. Calvin helps Walter ford the swifter parts of the creek. 

 Walter, Adrian, and Everett at the deep part of the creek upstream from the bridge. 

 Snack Time!
 This week of Shenanigans just keeps getting better. When we got home I noticed the boys did not follow me into the house, but were squealing outside. They were in Lisa's backyard (Happy 50th Lisa!) playing with water balloons. 

 Adrian had figured out that being fast can be helpful. You can run up to your brothers balloon and squeeze it so it pops all over him. 
 Lisa's turn!
 Special Trick works again!
 I'm gonna get you sucka!

If that wasn't enough excitement. On the walk back from the creek, (yes for those of you out of town, there is a creek with a massive 40ft water fall a 10 minute walk from my house!)their Grandpa Bruce called and offered to take them to the Cabin. They are out for two nights of cabin craziness! May the last week of Summer Break Shenanigans continue in this vein. I know that mine will with the kids gone...

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